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Created by Essential on Jun 14, 2018
Specifics:  video games gaming violence
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Do violent video games encourage youth violence?
Yes, they do!
No, they do not!
Categories & Topics associated with this Contest (click to use as filter):
Products & ServicesVideo Games
EntertainmentVideo Games
News & Current EventsViolence  Video Games
Issues & PrinciplesViolence
Created by TruePatriot on Jun 20, 2018
Specifics:  solar oil coal
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Should uneconomical alternative energy be mandated over natural resources of gas, coal and oil?
Categories & Topics associated with this Contest (click to use as filter):
News & Current EventsLegislation  Green Energy  Energy  Alternative Energy  Natural Resources
Issues & PrinciplesLegislation  Energy  Natural Resources
Politics & GovernmentLegislation  Green Energy  Energy  natural resources
Products & ServicesGasoline  Coal  Natural Gas  Oil
Created by UC on Jun 12, 2018
Specifics:  Starbucks Peet's Coffee Coffee
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Should Starbucks or Peet's Coffee dominate the industry?
Categories & Topics associated with this Contest (click to use as filter):
Products & ServicesCoffee  Coffee Shop  Starbucks
Created by TeamSports on Jun 15, 2018
Specifics:  social media social networks society
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Do Social Networks provide more overall good or overall harm to society?
Categories & Topics associated with this Contest (click to use as filter):
EntertainmentSocial Networks  Facebook  Twitter  Instagram  YouTube
Products & ServicesSocial Networks  YouTube  Facebook  Twitter  Instagram
Created by Essential on Jun 14, 2018
Specifics:  advertising drugs Big Pharma
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Do prescription drug ads help consumers or drive up the cost of medicines and do more harm?
Categories & Topics associated with this Contest (click to use as filter):
News & Current EventsFree-Market  Medicine  Drug Ads
Products & ServicesMedical  Medicine  Advertising
Life & HealthMedical  Medicine

What's Now

Created by Essential on Jul 25, 2018
Specifics:  company essential oils
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Which company produces the best grade of essential oils?
Young Living!
Categories & Topics associated with this Contest (click to use as filter):
Products & ServicesEssential Oils  doTERRA  Wellness  Health  Young Living
Life & HealthEssential Oils  doTERRA  Wellness  Health  Young Life
News & Current EventsEssential Oils
Created by TruePatriot on Jul 03, 2018
Specifics:  Pizza Hut Pizza Best
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Pizza Hut is the best all-round choice for pizza lovers across America!
Not for me!
Categories & Topics associated with this Contest (click to use as filter):
Products & ServicesBest  pizza  Pizza Hut  America
Created by TruePatriot on Jun 20, 2018
Specifics:  coal gas oil
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Does “fossil fuel” accurately describe our natural resources of gas, oil and coal or is that a term more reflective of propaganda?
Categories & Topics associated with this Contest (click to use as filter):
Issues & PrinciplesLegislation  Energy  Energy Independence
Politics & GovernmentGreen Energy  Energy  natural resources
News & Current EventsGreen Energy  Energy  Alternative Energy  Natural Resources  Fossil Fuels
Products & ServicesGasoline  Coal  Oil
Created by TruePatriot on Jun 20, 2018
Specifics:  cell phone phone radiation
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Is cell phone radiation a concern?
Categories & Topics associated with this Contest (click to use as filter):
Life & HealthHealth  Cell Phone Radiation
Issues & PrinciplesHealthcare  Cell Service
Politics & GovernmentCell Phone Service  Utilities
Products & ServicesCell Phones
Created by TruePatriot on Jun 20, 2018
Specifics:  handguns open carry security
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Do legal, openly carried handguns provide more security to society?
Categories & Topics associated with this Contest (click to use as filter):
News & Current EventsLegislation  2nd Amendment  Gun Control  Guns  Handguns
Issues & PrinciplesLegislation  2nd Amendment  Gun Control
Politics & GovernmentLegislation  2nd Amendment  Gun Control  Guns  Handguns
Products & ServicesGuns  Handguns