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Created by TruePatriot on Jun 13, 2018
Specifics:  human life baby abortion
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Human life begins upon the implantation of the egg to the uterus!
Categories & Topics associated with this Contest (click to use as filter):
Politics & GovernmentHuman Life  Pro-Life  Life  conception  implantation
Life & HealthHuman Life  Life  Conception  Baby  Implantation
News & Current EventsLife  Human Life  Abortion  Pro-Life  Pro-Choice
Created by TruePatriot on Jun 20, 2018
Specifics:  mental illness conservative insanity
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Is conservatism a mental disorder?
Categories & Topics associated with this Contest (click to use as filter):
Politics & GovernmentConservative  Mental illness
Issues & PrinciplesConservative  Fiscal Conservative  Social Conservative  Healthcare
News & Current EventsHealthcare  Mental Illness
Life & HealthMental Illness
Created by UC on Jun 18, 2018
Specifics:  Abortion baby legalized
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Should abortion be discouraged in general or encouraged in some cases?
Categories & Topics associated with this Contest (click to use as filter):
Issues & PrinciplesPro-Life  Human Life  Life  Pro-Choice  Abortion
Politics & GovernmentPro-Life  Pro-Choice  Abortion
Life & HealthLife  Baby  Abortion
News & Current EventsAbortion  Pro-Life  Pro-Choice  Legislation
Created by Graceful on Jun 14, 2018
Specifics:  steroids drugs performance enhancing
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Should steroids and performance enhancing drugs be allowed in sports?
Categories & Topics associated with this Contest (click to use as filter):
SportsProfessional  College  Medicine  Steroids
News & Current EventsOlympics  Steroids  Sports Issues
Colleges & SchoolsCollege  University  Medicine
Life & HealthSteroids
Created by UC on Jun 18, 2018
Specifics:  Social Security Taxes Investments
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Should Social Security be privatized?
Categories & Topics associated with this Contest (click to use as filter):
Politics & GovernmentSocial Security
Life & HealthRetirement
News & Current EventsSocial Security  Investments
Products & ServicesInvestments

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Created by Essential on Jul 25, 2018
Specifics:  company essential oils
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Which company produces the best grade of essential oils?
Young Living!
Categories & Topics associated with this Contest (click to use as filter):
Products & ServicesEssential Oils  doTERRA  Wellness  Health  Young Living
Life & HealthEssential Oils  doTERRA  Wellness  Health  Young Life
News & Current EventsEssential Oils
Created by UC on Jul 03, 2018
Specifics:  Roe v. Wade Abortion Infants
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Roe v. Wade needs to be overturned and infant life valued and protected!
YES, absolutely!
Absolutely NOT!
Categories & Topics associated with this Contest (click to use as filter):
Life & HealthHuman Life  Baby  Abortion  Pro-Life
Created by RalphKott on Jun 28, 2018
Specifics:  Basketball Dunking Professional
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Dunking the basketball should be against the rules because there is no talent in that!
I Agree!
Nothing true about that!
Categories & Topics associated with this Contest (click to use as filter):
SportsProfessional  Amateur  College  Basketball  High School
Colleges & SchoolsBasketball
Life & HealthSports
Created by RalphKott on Jun 28, 2018
Specifics:  Basketball Professional College
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Basketball Players are so lazy that most of the players sit on the bench for most of the game!
So true!
That is ridiculous!
Categories & Topics associated with this Contest (click to use as filter):
SportsProfessional  Amateur  Basketball
Colleges & SchoolsBasketball
Life & HealthSports
Created by RalphKott on Jun 28, 2018
Specifics:  Baseball Professional College
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Baseball can be so boring that they actually have a break in the game called the, 7th inning stretch, that allows fans to stand up, stretch and wake-up for the last part of the game!
That is true!
There is nothing boring about baseball!
Categories & Topics associated with this Contest (click to use as filter):
SportsProfessional  Amateur  Baseball
Colleges & SchoolsBaseball
Life & HealthSports