What's Hot

Created by RalphKott on Jun 28, 2018
Specifics:  Baseball Professional College
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Baseball can be so boring that they actually have a break in the game called the, 7th inning stretch, that allows fans to stand up, stretch and wake-up for the last part of the game!
That is true!
There is nothing boring about baseball!
Categories & Topics associated with this Contest (click to use as filter):
SportsProfessional  Amateur  Baseball
Colleges & SchoolsBaseball
Life & HealthSports
Created by TruePatriot on Jun 13, 2018
Specifics:  baby life human life
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Human life begins at the babies first breath!
Categories & Topics associated with this Contest (click to use as filter):
Life & HealthHuman Life  Life  Baby  Abortion  Viability
Politics & GovernmentPro-Life  Pro-Choice  Abortion  Life  US Constitution
News & Current EventsAbortion  Pro-Life  Pro-Choice  Legislation
Created by UC on Jun 18, 2018
Specifics:  lesbian marriage Ellen Degeneres
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Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi, are they?
A beautiful couple!
A couple confused ladies who must have never met a real man!
Categories & Topics associated with this Contest (click to use as filter):
Life & HealthFamily  Traditional Marriage  Gay Marriage  Lesbian  Relationships
EntertainmentCelebrities  Portia de Rossi  Ellen DeGeneres
News & Current EventsCelebrities  Ellen DeGeneres  Gay Marriage
Issues & PrinciplesTraditional Marriage  Gay Marriage  Lesbian  Marriage
Created by UC on Jun 19, 2018
Specifics:  healthcare free-market obamacare
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Could the free-market provide better for healthcare than government controlled and regulated healthcare?
Free Market!
Government Regulation!
Categories & Topics associated with this Contest (click to use as filter):
News & Current EventsBarack Obama  Legislation  Free Market  Obamacare  Healthcare
Issues & PrinciplesFree-Market  Medical  Healthcare  Obamacare  Regulation
Politics & GovernmentMedical  Free Market  Regulation  Obamacare  Healthcare
Life & HealthHealth  Medical  Obamacare  Healthcare
Created by TruePatriot on Jun 20, 2018
Specifics:  liberal mental illness insanity
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Is liberalism a mental disorder?
YES, absolutely!
NO, it is not!
Categories & Topics associated with this Contest (click to use as filter):
Politics & GovernmentLiberal  Democrat  Mental Health  Socialist
News & Current EventsLiberal  Healthcare  Mental Health
Life & HealthMental Health
Issues & PrinciplesLiberalism  Mental Health

What's New

Created by UC on Jun 18, 2018
Specifics:  Abortion baby legalized
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Should abortion be legal under all circumstances?
Categories & Topics associated with this Contest (click to use as filter):
Life & HealthHuman Life  Life  Baby
Issues & PrinciplesPro-Life  Human Life  Pro-Choice  Abortion  Legislation
Politics & GovernmentPro-Life  Pro-Choice  Abortion
News & Current EventsAbortion  Pro-Life  Pro-Choice  Legislation  Supreme Court
Created by UC on Jun 19, 2018
Specifics:  wedding marriage traditional family
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Is marriage a historic commitment between one man and one woman or is it important to make changes to society and recognize gay marriage?
Marriage between one man and one woman!
Gay marriage is an important advancement of society!
Categories & Topics associated with this Contest (click to use as filter):
News & Current EventsLegislation  Supreme Court  Gay Marriage  Marriage  Courts
Politics & GovernmentSupreme Court  Legislation  Marriage  Gay Marriage  Courts
Issues & PrinciplesLegislation  Traditional Marriage  Gay Marriage  Marriage
Life & HealthGay Marriage  Marriage
Created by Essential on Jun 14, 2018
Specifics:  advertising drugs Big Pharma
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Do prescription drug ads help consumers or drive up the cost of medicines and do more harm?
Categories & Topics associated with this Contest (click to use as filter):
News & Current EventsFree-Market  Medicine  Drug Ads
Products & ServicesMedical  Medicine  Advertising
Life & HealthMedical  Medicine
Created by TruePatriot on Jun 25, 2018
Specifics:  Bible Koran Bible
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Of the following, which receives YOUR highest respect?
Categories & Topics associated with this Contest (click to use as filter):
Politics & GovernmentBible  Faith  Koran
News & Current EventsBible  Faith  Koran
Issues & PrinciplesBible  Faith  Koran
Life & HealthBible  Faith  Koran
Created by TruePatriot on Jun 13, 2018
Specifics:  human life baby birth
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Does human life begin before the natural birth of the baby?
Categories & Topics associated with this Contest (click to use as filter):
Politics & GovernmentHuman Life  Pro-Life  Pro-Choice  Abortion
Life & HealthHuman Life  Protect Life
Issues & PrinciplesPro-Life  Human Life  Baby