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Created by UC on Jun 12, 2018
Specifics:  North Korea Kim Jong Un Nuclear
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Is North Korean President Kim Jong Un capable of keeping his word and promoting peace?
Categories & Topics associated with this Contest (click to use as filter):
Politics & GovernmentInternational  North Korea  Kim Jong Un
News & Current EventsInternational  North Korea
Created by UC on Jun 18, 2018
Specifics:  Chip Roy Congress Texas
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The best Congressional candidate is Chip Roy in Texas District #21!
I support Chip Roy!
I do not!
Categories & Topics associated with this Contest (click to use as filter):
Politics & GovernmentCongress  Texas  2018 Elections  Republican  Chip Roy
News & Current EventsCongress  Texas  2018 Elections  Republican  Chip Roy
Issues & PrinciplesReligious Freedom  Republican  Fiscal Conservative  Social Conservative  Congress
Created by Graceful on Jun 14, 2018
Specifics:  Ronald Reagan President Best
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Was Ronald Reagan a good President overall?
Yes, we was!
No, he was not!
Categories & Topics associated with this Contest (click to use as filter):
Politics & GovernmentPresident  Ronald Reagan
Issues & PrinciplesConservative
Created by UC on Jun 19, 2018
Specifics:  male female homosexual
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Should an individual’s sex be strictly legally determined by their chromosomes and laws applied accordingly?
Yes, chromosomes alone make sense!
No, a persons sexual identification is their personal right to choose and change!
Categories & Topics associated with this Contest (click to use as filter):
News & Current EventsLegislation  Gay  Sexuality  Traditional Family
Politics & GovernmentSame Sex  Legislation  Traditional Family  Sexuality
Issues & PrinciplesSame Sex  Legislation  Sexuality  Traditional Family
Life & HealthHomosexuality  Gay  Sexuality  Traditional Family
Created by TruePatriot on Aug 09, 2018
Specifics:  Grand Canyon New Mexico America
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The Grand Canyon is the BEST vacation in America!
Not to me!
Categories & Topics associated with this Contest (click to use as filter):
World, Local & TravelGrand Canyon  vacation  BEST

What's Now

Created by TruePatriot on Oct 08, 2018
Specifics:  Brett Kavanaugh US Supreme Court Justice
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Brett Kavanaugh will make an excellent Justice on the Supreme Court!
I Do Not Think So!
He Sure Will!
Categories & Topics associated with this Contest (click to use as filter):
Created by TruePatriot on Aug 09, 2018
Specifics:  Bible public schools Ten Commandments
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Bring the Bible back to our schools, NOW!
YES, absolutely!
I Disagree!
Categories & Topics associated with this Contest (click to use as filter):
Issues & PrinciplesBible  Ten Commandments  Schools  School Discipline  Education
Politics & GovernmentBible  Ten Commandments  schools  Education
Colleges & SchoolsBible Curriculum  Middle School  Elementary School  High School  Colleges and Universities
News & Current EventsBible  Ten Commandments  Education  schools
Created by TruePatriot on Aug 09, 2018
Specifics:  2018 Elections Red Wave Republican
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There is a Red Wave - a Republican Sweep coming in the 2018 Elections!
Not if I can stop it!
Categories & Topics associated with this Contest (click to use as filter):
Politics & GovernmentRepublican  2018 Elections  US Senate  Congress  America
News & Current Events2018 Elections  Red Wave  US Senate  Congress  Elections
Created by Graceful on Jul 22, 2018
Specifics:  Bob Hall Texas State Senate
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FRC Action says that Bob Hall is the best Texas State Senate Candidate in TX #2!
YES, absolutely!
Not for me!
Categories & Topics associated with this Contest (click to use as filter):
Issues & PrinciplesPro-Life  Conservative  Republican  Fiscal Conservative  Social Conservative
Politics & GovernmentTexas  2018 Elections  Republican  Texas State Senate  Bob Hall
News & Current EventsTexas  2018 Elections  Republican  Texas State Senate  Bob Hall
Created by Graceful on Jul 22, 2018
Specifics:  Van Taylor Congress Texas
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FRC Action says that Van Taylor is the best Congressional Candidate in TX #3!
YES, absolutely!
No not for me!
Categories & Topics associated with this Contest (click to use as filter):
Politics & GovernmentCongress  Texas  2018 Elections  Republican  Van Taylor
News & Current EventsCongress  Texas  2018 Elections  Republican  Van Taylor
Issues & PrinciplesConservative  Republican  Social Conservative