What's Hot

Created by TruePatriot on Jun 13, 2018
Specifics:  Bible Holy Bible God
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Is the Holy Bible the Word of God, who inspired men to record it over hundreds of years, for our instruction today?
Absolutely it is!
I doubt it!
Categories & Topics associated with this Contest (click to use as filter):
Issues & PrinciplesGod  Religious Freedom  Bible  Legislation
News & Current EventsLegislation  Bible  God
Politics & GovernmentBible  God  Legislation
Created by Graceful on Jul 22, 2018
Specifics:  Van Taylor Congress Texas
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FRC Action says that Van Taylor is the best Congressional Candidate in TX #3!
YES, absolutely!
No not for me!
Categories & Topics associated with this Contest (click to use as filter):
Politics & GovernmentCongress  Texas  2018 Elections  Republican  Van Taylor
News & Current EventsCongress  Texas  2018 Elections  Republican  Van Taylor
Issues & PrinciplesConservative  Republican  Social Conservative
Created by TruePatriot on Jun 16, 2018
Specifics:  Greg Gianforte Montana Congress
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Greg Gianforte for Congress in Montana is obviously the best choice!
I Agree!
I Disagree!
Categories & Topics associated with this Contest (click to use as filter):
Politics & GovernmentCongress  2018 Elections  Montana  Greg Gianforte
Issues & PrinciplesConservative
Created by UC on Jun 18, 2018
Specifics:  Abortion baby legalized
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Should abortion be legal under all circumstances?
Categories & Topics associated with this Contest (click to use as filter):
Life & HealthHuman Life  Life  Baby
Issues & PrinciplesPro-Life  Human Life  Pro-Choice  Abortion  Legislation
Politics & GovernmentPro-Life  Pro-Choice  Abortion
News & Current EventsAbortion  Pro-Life  Pro-Choice  Legislation  Supreme Court
Created by UC on Jun 18, 2018
Specifics:  Taxes Income Minimum Wage
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Is increasing the minimum wage a good idea, even if it actually causes increased costs of all goods and services, causes more income tax to be paid and erases any benefits?
Yes, it is still a good idea!
No, that makes no sense at all!
Categories & Topics associated with this Contest (click to use as filter):
Politics & GovernmentEconomy  Minimum Wage  Taxes  Income Tax
News & Current EventsEconomy  Minimum Wage  Taxes
Issues & PrinciplesMinimum Wage  Taxes

What's New

Created by UC on Jun 12, 2018
Specifics:  Hillary Clinton Bernie Sanders Progressive-Socialism
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Is Hillary Clinton a stronger voice to advance Socialism in America or Bernie Sanders?
Hillary Clinton is stronger!
Bernie Sanders is stronger!
Categories & Topics associated with this Contest (click to use as filter):
Politics & GovernmentSocialism  Hillary Clinton  Bernie Sanders
News & Current EventsHillary Clinton  Socialism  Bernie Sanders
Created by TruePatriot on Jun 28, 2018
Specifics:  Democrat Party Progressives Progressive-Socialism
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Will Americans continue to reject the Democrat party and the progressive slide toward the historically proven failures of socialism?
YES, they will absolutely be rejected!
No, socialism is our future in America!
Categories & Topics associated with this Contest (click to use as filter):
Politics & GovernmentSocialism  Democrat  Progressive-Socialist  United States  Democrat Party
News & Current EventsLiberal  United States  Progressive-Socialist  Democrat Party  Progressive
Issues & PrinciplesDemocrat  Progressive  Socialism  Progressive-Socialist  Voting
Created by TruePatriot on Jun 16, 2018
Specifics:  Chris McDaniel US Senate Mississippi
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Chris McDaniel is clearly the better Mississippi candidate for US Senate in 2020, to replace the appointed Cindy Hyde-Smith!
I Agree!
I Disagree!
Categories & Topics associated with this Contest (click to use as filter):
Issues & PrinciplesConservative  Republican  Liberal  Moderate  RINO
Politics & GovernmentUS Senate  Mississippi  2020 Elections  Cindy Hyde-Smith  Chris McDaniels
News & Current EventsUS Senate  Mississippi  2020 Elections  Chris McDaniels  Cindy Hyde-Smith
World, Local & TravelMississippi
Created by UC on Jun 18, 2018
Specifics:  Abortion baby legalized
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Should abortion be illegal, except in the case of the mother’s life incest or rape?
Categories & Topics associated with this Contest (click to use as filter):
Politics & GovernmentHuman Life  Pro-Life  Pro-Choice  Abortion  Legislation
Life & HealthHuman Life  Baby  Abortion  Pro-Life  Mother
Issues & PrinciplesPro-Life  Human Life  Life  Pro-Choice  Abortion
News & Current EventsHuman Life  Abortion  Pro-Life  Pro-Choice  Legislation
Created by UC on Jun 19, 2018
Specifics:  illegal immigration illegal aliens America
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Is illegal immigration a problem for America or a resource for the nation?
Illegal immigration is a problem!
Even illegal immigration is a resource for America!
Categories & Topics associated with this Contest (click to use as filter):
World, Local & TravelUnited States
Issues & PrinciplesIllegal Immigration  Immigration  Border  Border Wall
Politics & GovernmentImmigration  Illegal Immigration
News & Current EventsImmigration  Illegal Immigration  Border  Border Wall